Nov 1, 2007

Scubed gets cool!

Freshers Week & 3rd Annual Seminar Resume!!

Well, October is nearly over and that means that several activities and events are over. However I decided to give a resume of what our organization did throughout these last weeks.

As a faculty based organisation, we organized well ourselves during the summer holidays to give a real warm welcome to all freshers of our faculty during the first shaky weeks on campus. On Monday 1st October we were invited by the faculty to talk to all new science students in a meeting held at the Science Lecture Theatre. We gave some brief information of what our organization is all about and stressed the point that we are available to help all students if they were in need, in other words we established the organization as a point of reference throughout these weeks. We invited all students to pick a fresher’s pack from our stand. This pack included several information which was very useful such as a note on the ECTS system, contacts of whom to talk in case of any problems, a time table, the registration form, a discount card, information about the faculty, book reviews, a university map and more. We also helped students to fill in their forms and gave some ideas of what extra credits they may chose as they all felt completely lost. We think that we really helped these students! We distributed not less than 170 packs [which were so nice that students from outside our faculty came to ask for one too!!]

We also had a very interesting full colour publication, In Situ containing several articles dealing with News, Science, Lifestyle and why not some Fun Pages too! We distributed 400 copies at University and another hundred at other post secondary colleges in Science departments. The upcoming publications from November till March will be in the hand of a subcommittee.

What about our stand? We had a very good looking stand with an interesting arrangement to reflect all asects and departments of our faculty. When we were visited by H.E. the President, the Leader of the Opposition, EU MP Simon Busuttil and other MP’s they all dedicated some time to observe our ideas, showed great interest, and encouraged us to keep up the good work as active science students. Our magazine was also highly rated.

As an extrapolation of fresher’s week we also organized a 3 day seminar at the President Hotel Paceville between the 19th & 21st of October. We had the opening from Scubed President and the In situ spearhead Matthew Mifsud. On Saturday we had talks by Prof Felice - President Malta chamber of Scientists, Dr Siangra for the Chemistry department, Prof Agius for the Biology Department and Dr Farrugia delivered an interesting talk on the Pharmaceutical industry. Apart from educational and informative talks we had other activities to allow student to integrate with each other. 70 students ranging from 1st years to third years attended.

I would like to thank our sponsors, the Ministry of Education Youth & Employment, Alf Services, Papier Plus Studio, Matildas and Bestprint co ltd for their support. I would also like to thank several individuals who helped us throughout these weeks in order to put up our stand, to prepare the packs and to hold the science seminar, especially, Nicola Darmanin, Cristina Fiott, Alexandra Fiott, Claire Grima, Justine Schembri, Jacqueline Barbara, Ingrid Gatt, Bernard Galea and obviously all the executive for their hard work.
A big welcome goesto our new members of the executive: Justine Schembri, Susannah Vella, Matthew Camilleri, Charles Zahra, & Andrea Ali.

A final note goes to all students in our faculty to appreciate the hard work of the entire executive. I hope that the fresher’s realise that really scubed is there as their point of reference. Last but not least I encourage all students of our faculty to participate wholeheartedly in our activities so have a look at our calendar of events… on the trail is next.

Karl Agius

Scubed President

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